Worship & Activities
Worship & Activities
Sunday Service
Every Week: Morning Worship at 10.30 am with Junior Church (Ages 0-16)
Every 2nd Sunday: All-age worship at 10.30 am - Church Parade as announced
Monthly: Holy Communion at 10.30 am - Please see newsletter for details
Afternoon Telephone Service: Please see newsletter for details
Please look at our Downloads page for copies of our newsletters, our Events and Fundraising page You can also click on the links displayed when your mouse is over the relevant tabs above.
St James’ offers you a very warm welcome and we hope you will join us.
We would like to keep in touch with you to let you know what's going on at St James', so please fill in your details on the 'NEW TO CHURCH' slip found on the table at the back.

Weekday Activities
Weekday Activities
Each day in Term Time:
St James Pre-school, Parent & Toddler group.
Mission Action group; Fellowship meeting - usually the first Monday of the month at 2.30pm in church
5.30 pm Beavers (age 6 to 8) 6.30 pm Cub Scouts (age 8 to 10½)
5.00 pm Rainbows (age 5 to 7)
6.15 pm Brownies (age 7 to 10/11)
7.30 pm Guides (age 10/11 to 14/15)
7.30 pm Explorer Scouts with St Peter’s (age 14½+)
6.30 pm Anchor Boys(age 5 to 8)
6.30 pm Boys Brigade Juniors (age 8 to 11)
7.30 pm Boys Brigade Company (age 11 to 15)
7.15 pm Scouts (age 10½ to 14½)
Note there may be some variations to the published times post-pandemic, please contact the organisation's directly for the latest information.
Wednesday House Group & Midweek Coffee
Wednesday House Group & Midweek Coffee
The Wednesday House group is about to start up again. This meeting will be in Church, old and new members are warmly invited.
Midweek Coffee mornings will start again this week, on a trial basis until the end of May, but on Thursdays (not Tuesdays as previously).
Tea, coffee, biscuits and toasted snacks will be available starting May 5th from 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.