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Events and Fundraising

1811 - 2021: Over 200 years of witness and service

You are invited to join us in any of our events, to see our wonderful Church, and join our services - "Come and see!"

Please note any information to be included here can be sent to:


CAN YOU HELP? - There are also always places in the Sunday morning service (and on the afternoon telephone worship) for readers. Plus we need help with the ongoing maintenance of our church and hall grounds - none of the jobs are arduous - can you think about giving  your time? 


Coffee mornings are now on a Thursday - tea, coffee, biscuits and toasted snacks will be available from 09.30 to 11.30 am.

Tea and coffee will also be served on the 1st and 2nd Sunday each month, the weekly news sheet will remind us of these dates. ​


On Sunday 30th June the Trio campaign will be launched. Trio stands for "The Responsibility Is Ours", referring to the need to support our Church financially. At present our Church is running at a loss and our small reserves (needed for emergencies) are being depleted.

Work that we need to do to maintain our property is having to be put on hold. Inflation which has affected all our us also affects the life of the Church. We are all encouraged to prayerfully consider the level of our giving the Church and, if at all possible, to increase the amount we give each week or month. The Trio paperwork explains the costs and figures in more details. All Church members should receive this paperwork and everyone who attends St James is also invited to share in this. Our Treasurer, Andrew McLaren, will be happy to give you the details if you haven't already received them. We are so grateful for everyone's giving but we need to keep you informed of the ongoing and increasing costs of running our wonderful Church.


On 13th July Jane, Faye, Danny and colleagues from the Early Intervention in Psychosis team will be walking 30 miles from Woolton to Southport. The walk is to raise money for UNICEF. Anyone wishing to donate can use this link and Jane will leave a sponsor form in Church. Many thanks for your support.​


As part of Worship on Sunday 14th July we will be holding the Extraordinary Church Meeting to (hopefully) approve the new Constitution of St James Church. This is needed as we apply to register as a charity. All are welcome to share in this meeting and all Church members are encouraged to vote.


From St James Worship Consultation Group: Morning worship on Sunday July 21st will be a songs-of-praise style

Summer Celebration of Praise and Thanksgiving. Everyone in the Church Family is invited to take part in this All-Age service. And don’t worry – you won’t be put on the spot or have to do or say anything yourself during the service. We will try to use as many of the requested items as possible. Looking forward to hearing from everyone, and thank you for your help.


Our Saturday Market Day Coffee Morning on August 10th will be held in the hall building. Toasted snacks, Tea, coffee, juice, Bacon/Sausage batches. Soup and filled rolls. Homemade cakes. Strawberry scones and Cream. Homemade cake and preserves stall. Book stall. Raffle. Colouring Competition for young folk. FAMILY BINGO starting at 11.00 am. Seats outside (weather permitting!!).

Please come and support us, tell your friends and neighbours, would all cake and scone makers please note – we will be very, very pleased for donations for the cake stall, thank you.


It's that time of year again! If you have a JMA box, would you please bring it to church over the next few weeks so that I can empty it before the end of the financial year. Many thanks for your continuing support for JMA.


St James’ Woolton is now on the Inclusive Church directory, Inclusive Church is an educational charity working with churches of different denominations encouraging them to explore ways in which they may become more inclusive, and celebrate the ways they are already inclusive. The directory enables people to search for a church within 25 miles of where they live, the next nearest church in the URC is in Heswall, and the next nearest in the Methodist Church is in Chester, so we can expect to welcome new people who find us on this directory, here is St James’ entry. Each church in the directory is invited to display a poster which says:

‘We believe in inclusive church - a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality. We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.’

Thank you for all you are already doing to make St James’ a welcoming, inclusive and loving community!


Our Church Pastoral visitors perform an amazing job of offering care to all members of our Church and congregation. However, several have had to retire recently, and we are in URGENT need of more people to join our team. Each are allocated a group that they stay connected with, offering spiritual support in times of joy and sorrow. We work together as a team and training is provided on a regular basis. If you would like to find out more about the role, please speak to Irene Elliott or Peter Hughes. As with all the roles in our Church, Pastoral Visitors will now be safely recruited which will include the need to provide referees, have a DBS check and attend Safeguarding Training.


Monetary Offerings: Your monetary donations are vital to the running and future of St. James Church, please contact Margaret Dee if you would like to change your giving to a Standing Order or join the Weekly Envelope scheme (out now). Also, if you are a UK taxpayer, please consider Gift Aid.


Recycling: We no longer recycle batteries, ink cartridges or spectacles please use the supermarket collection points and opticians respectively.


Church Flowers: If you would like to donate money for flowers, please speak to Jonquil Dickson who can arrange the donation, we have many dates available. We then deliver flowers to people afterwards, If you know someone who you feel would be blessed by receiving flowers, please speak to a steward. We are also looking for volunteers to deliver flowers out to people.

St James Woolton Liverpool concert
St James Woolton Liverpool evening event
St James Woolton Liverpool choir concert
St James Woolton Liverpool Easter cross inside

Fund Raising Updates: 

The Benevolent Fund collection at the communion service on 23rd June raised £228.50 + gift aid for Methodist Homes, thanks to all who contributed.


The amount collected on 26th May for the Inclusive Church Charity was £175 plus gift aid, many thanks to all who were able to contribute.


Thank you to everyone who supported and donated to Christian Aid and the sponsored walk. The sponsored walk raised £820 and the envelopes £225 giving us a grand total so far of £1045. Well done to all involved!


The benevolent collection for Mission Mexico was £194.30 plus gift aid, thank you to all who were able to contribute.


Our coffee, cakes and soup with yummy filled rolls raised £373.00 and there will be Gift Aid to add. We hope to hold another coffee and lunch day during the summer and our Saturday coffee mornings continue on the second Saturday of each month. We also have a coffee, tea cake and chat drop in every Thursday 9.30 until 11.30.


The benevolent fund collection for the Methodist World Mission Fund collected was £225.89 plus gift aid, many thanks to everyone who contributed.


Pam Alexander has now finished her Walk All Over Cancer Challenge 2024 to walk 10,000 steps every day of March and would like to thank everyone who supported her. She walked a total of 328,486 steps during the month which equates to 156 miles/251 km and raised £649, for Cancer Research UK. She has said that this would not have been possible without the support of her church family so thank you all once again for your kind generosity.


The Benevolent Fund collection at the covenant communion service for Christians Against Poverty Princes Park Debt Relief Project realised £207.53 plus gift aid. Many thanks to everyone who contributed.


As we sang carols round the Village this year, we collected for the charities that the supermarkets supported and recieved a letter of thanks from Oliver King Foundation, supported by Sainsburys.  Roy and Lynne also sang at Coast on Christmas morning as they offered drinks and food free of charge to people who needed a warm welcome on what can be a difficult day.


We received thanks from the staff in the local homeless charities, Refuge Centres and the YMCA centre to which your Christmas donations were given. Thank you to all who gave so generously. Your gifts were gratefully received and help so much to make Christmas a happier time than some children and adults have ever had.


Our Christmas Fayre raised £900.00, thanks to everyone who helped and to all who supported us on the day. 


A big 'thank you' to everyone involved in the Organ Playing DayEveryone seemed to enjoy a happy day, musical items from Bach to the Wallace and Gromit theme tune were played, and just about everything in between! Plus, the collection for Little Hearts Matter raised £278.81 plus gift aid. 


The Coffee Morning in August raised £305. Thanks to everyone who supported us and to all of those who helped on the day.


The collection for Demelza Childrens Hospice was £200 plus gift aid and the collection for Action for Children raised £170.01, plus gift aid. Many thanks to all those who contributed. 


Thank you so much for supporting Mercy Ships, your kind donations will help people find hope and healing. 


Please keep the Whitechapel Centre on your shopping list and drop the into the box in church, every donation is very much appreciated.


Thank you also to all those who drop their small change in our collection bucket. This has run since 1992, and we are incredibly grateful for your donations!


Thank you to all those who have helped renovate JIMMY the horse in the church garden. If you would like to donate, please speak with Roy or Lynne Barker. Don’t forget, you are welcome to use the garden.

Dan Holmes leading St James with 'Sing Amen".

Explore Dan's music on the following link, 

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