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St James' Church, Methodist/URC, Woolton, Liverpool, UK

In our heart is a commitment to follow the way of Jesus Christ and to share the love of God with all.

Welcome to St James', whether this is your first time or your one-hundred-and-first, welcome! We are a Christian community that strives to follow Jesus by welcoming people of all backgrounds, nationalities, personal histories, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We worship, pray, and grow together, in both difficult and joyful moments, and on this journey we respect that we can be in different places along the way. In Christ, in this place, with these people, you have found a home.

Message for July 2024

Hello Everyone, I hope you have been enjoying the sunny weather, although it may be becoming a distant memory! 

Several people from St James attended the "Leading your Church into growth" session a couple of weeks ago. This was a very positive evening led by Rev Stuart Radcliffe, our United Reformed Church Missional Discipleship Enabler. There was a good representation from the Circuit Churches. One of the main points of this first session was to create an atmosphere of praying positively for growth. This is why we have been encouraging everyone to use the "Praying for Growth" prayer as often as we can, in Services, Meetings and our own personal devotions. We also need everyone to be involved in working for growth. We need your ideas! This is why we have asked for you to give us two ideas in answer to this question:

What should we be doing as a Church to lead to growth? Please let us have your ideas (anonymously if you prefer) by 14th July.


Please use the words of this prayer to guide you:

“God of Mission, who alone brings growth to your Church, Send your Holy Spirit to give: 

vision to our planning, wisdom to our actions, joy to our worship, and power to our witness.

Help our Church to grow in numbers, in spiritual commitment to you and in service to our local community,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.”

The next session of the course is on Wednesday 24th July, 7.30pm at Trinity Church, Page Moss.

You would be welcome to join us! God Bless, Peter

Forthcoming events:

Sunday 14th July 2024v- Extraordinary Church Meeting to approve the new Constitution

Sunday July 21st 2024 - a songs-of-praise style Summer Celebration of Praise and Thanksgiving.

Saturday August 10th 2024 - Market day coffee morning and stalls in the hall, family bingo at 11.00am

Sunday 20th October 2024 - United Worship at Hope University Chapel

 Morning Services

We open our doors at 10.00a.m worship and the service starts at 10.30a.m. Holy Communion and all-age worship services are held monthly, and separate Junior Church activities are offered during morning service. Up-to-date information about forthcoming services is further down this page.


To join us for telephone worship, please find the new call details in our weekly newsletter. The number costs the same as ordinary UK numbers.

Other online service details and resources are available on the Liverpool South Methodist Circuit website here. Our Children's & Youth Workers have a YouTube channel called 'The Way', please share and subscribe:

Welcome To St. James:

Future Services:

July 7th - Liz Hudson (St James' & phone)

July 14th - Rev Peter Hughes - All Age Worship, Holy Communion, Church Meeting (St James'), Obeth Thevanesan (phone)

July 21st - Summer Celebration of Praise and Thanksgiving, tbc (St James'), tbc (phone)

July 28th - Obeth Thevanesan (St James'), tbc (phone)

August 4th - Andrew Gillespie (St James'), tbc (phone)

August 11th - Rev Peter Hughes - All Age Worship, (St James'), tbc (phone)

August 18th - Steve Elliot (St James'), tbc (phone)

August 25th - Rev Peter Hughes - Holy Communion (St James'), tbc (phone)

Our Facebook Page

Please follow us and like the page to see all the latest updates on our Facebook page! 


This is the best place to keep up to date on current events and services happening here at St James church, Woolton.

St James Church is registered both for Marriage Services of people of the same sex 

and for Marriage Services of a man and a woman. 

Please contact us if you wish to enquire for dates available for your special day.


St James are now the proud owners of a defibrillator thanks to the fundraising walk by Rob Swindells of the BB with help from Amy and team in the GB. This machine was purchased from the Oliver King Foundation and is now fitted in the front entrance of the Church Hall, to find out more go to their website - www.theoliverkingfoundat​ or find them on Twitter as @TheOKFoundation, there are also booklets in church.

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