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St James' Church, Woolton, Methodist/URC, Liverpool, UK

Registered Charity Number 1211742

In our heart is a commitment to follow the way of Jesus Christ and to share the love of God with all.

Welcome to St James', whether this is your first time or your one-hundred-and-first, welcome! We are a Christian community that strives to follow Jesus by welcoming people of all backgrounds, nationalities, personal histories, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We worship, pray, and grow together, in both difficult and joyful moments, and on this journey we respect that we can be in different places along the way. In Christ, in this place, with these people, you have found a home.

We can be sure that with Jesus there is always the offer of resurrection and new life.


Are we the seeds from which something new can grow?

Forthcoming events:

Wednesday 19th March 7.15pm – Wednesday Fellowship Group

Thursday 20th March 9.30am – 11.30am – Morning Coffee

Monday 24th March 7.00pm – Special projects meeting

Saturday 12th April 10.00am - 1.00pm - Saturday Coffee in the church hall for tea, coffee, toasted treats, cakes, bacon batches and Roy's homemade soups, homemade jams and marmalades for sale and a raffle, come along and join us

Friday 18th April 10.30am - Good Friday Walk of Faith, beginning at Princes Park Church

Sunday 18th May 11.00am - United Worship at Hope Chapel 

 Morning Services

We open our doors at 10.00am worship and the service starts at 10.30am Holy Communion and all-age worship services are held monthly, and separate Junior Church activities are offered during morning service.

Up-to-date information about forthcoming services is further down this page.


To join us for telephone worship, please find the new call details in our weekly newsletter. The number costs the same as ordinary UK numbers.

Other online service details and resources are available on the Liverpool South Methodist Circuit website here. Our Children's & Youth Workers have a YouTube channel called 'The Way', please share and subscribe:

Welcome To St. James:

Future Services:

March 23rd – Rev Peter Hughes, Holy Communion (St James), Chris Bolton (phone)
March 30th – Matthew Dyer, Mothering Sunday (St James), tbc (phone)
April 6th – Rev John Lansley (St James), tbc (phone)
April 13th – Rev Caroline Ainger, All Age Worship (St James), tbc (phone)
April 17th – Rev Peter Hughes, Maundy Thursday (St James)
April 18th – Paul Holt, Good Friday, 11.00am(St James)
April 20th – Rev Dr Cheatle, Holy Communion, Easter Sunday (St James), tbc (phone)
April 27th – Rev Peter Hughes, Annual Church Meeting (St James), tbc (phone)
May 4th – Rev Alison Hall (St James), tbc (phone)
May 11th – Robina Murdoch (St James), tbc (phone)
May 18th – Unified Service at Hope University (no service at St James), tbc (phone)
May 25th – Rev Peter Hughes, Holy Communion (St James), tbc (phone)

Our Facebook Page

Please follow us and like the page to see all the latest updates on our Facebook page! 


This is the best place to keep up to date on current events and services happening here at St James church, Woolton.

St James Church is registered both for Marriage Services of people of the same sex 

and for Marriage Services of a man and a woman. 

Please contact us if you wish to enquire for dates available for your special day.


St James are now the proud owners of a defibrillator thanks to the fundraising walk by Rob Swindells of the BB with help from Amy and team in the GB. This machine was purchased from the Oliver King Foundation and is now fitted in the front entrance of the Church Hall, to find out more go to their website - www.theoliverkingfoundat​ or find them on Twitter as @TheOKFoundation, there are also booklets in church.

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